The Re-migrant Scheme of the Government of Guyana is administered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation in conjunction with the Guyana Revenue Authority. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation is responsible for determining who is a “qualifying re-migrant” and the Guyana Revenue Authority administers the applicable tax exemptions.
Who is eligible under the re-migrant scheme?
(a) A Guyanese citizen who is eighteen (18) years and above, who has been residing legally overseas for a minimum of five (5) consecutive years and is now returning to Guyana.
(b) A Guyanese graduate who has completed their studies at an institution abroad and resided overseas for a minimum of three (3) years and is now returning to Guyana.
Where applications for re-migration status should be made?
Applications must be submitted in person to the Re-migration Officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation, 254 South Road & Shiv Chanderpaul Drive Georgetown (Takuba Lodge). The Re-migration Unit can be contacted on telephone number: (592) 226-1606- 8 ext. 339/219/232; or email:
When should applications be submitted?
Applications must be submitted within the first six (6) months of re-assuming residence in Guyana i.e. your last date of entry.
What are the documents that must accompany the application?
- Proof of Guyanese citizenship.
- A current Passport which must be at least five years old. If the passport is less than five (5) years old, then a previous passport must be submitted.
- In the case of students who are returning, evidence from the university, college or educational institution confirming the duration of the course of study or time spent at the institution.
- Documentary evidence of how the potential re-migrant intends to earn a livelihood in Guyana to re-establish permanent stay.
- Travel Records from the Central Immigration Passport Office.
- A Statutory Declaration, which must be sworn by a Justice of Peace or Commissioner of Oaths to Affidavits in Guyana and which must include the following:
a. That the items for which exemptions are sought are for personal and domestic use and not for sale or exchange.
b. Whether the re-migrant has previously enjoyed tax exemptions.
c. The model, year and the engine capacity of the vehicle for which exemptions are being sought.
Please note that applicants are no longer required to own a motor vehicle for at least six (6) months prior to returning, in fact, re-migrants have the option of importing a new vehicle or purchasing a motor vehicle in Guyana and will still be eligible for tax exemptions. All relevant documents evidencing ownership (where applicable) or the quotation must be supplied.
d. That the re-migrant shall reside in Guyana for one hundred and eighty-three (183) days per year for three (3) consecutive years if the vehicle is older than four (4) years or five (5) consecutive years if the vehicle is under four (4) years, failing which exemptions granted become immediately payable in accordance with the provisions of the Customs Act, Cap. 82:01.
e. A list of items for which exemptions are sought must be attached to the statutory declaration. - Two passport size photographs.
What are the exemptions given?
For information on the relevant tax exemptions, please visit the Guyana Revenue Authority’s Website at:
Conditions that must be satisfied where exemptions are granted:
• The re-migrant must reside in Guyana for one hundred and eight-three (183) days per year for three (3) consecutive years if the vehicle is older than four (4) years or five (5) consecutive years if the vehicle is under four (4) years, failing which exemptions granted become immediately payable in accordance with the provisions of the Customs Act.
• During the three- or five-year periods, the re-migrant cannot transfer, lease, sell, gift or otherwise assign or dispose of the motor vehicle in respect of which the exemptions are granted.
How long does it take to process an application for re-migrant status?
Applications submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation will be processed within twenty-one (21) working days provided that all the necessary documents are submitted. It should be noted that the approval from the Minister of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation signifies that the applicant qualifies for re-migrant status and consequently certain tax exemptions.
However, the relevant tax exemptions are determined by the Guyana Revenue Authority following the examination of the documents submitted and an interview with the re-migrant.
How long is the approval letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation valid for?
The approval letter is valid for six (6) months.
What happens if I did not utilise my concession before the expiration of the six-month period?
Applicants who do not utilise their concessions within the six-month period are required to reapply and must include in their new application, a letter addressed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation explaining their failure to utilise the exemptions.
Can a re-migrant modify the list of items after receiving the approval letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation?
The approval letter by the Minister of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation cannot be modified or amended after it is issued. Re-migrants are therefore encouraged to ensure that they gather and submit all the relevant documents that are required and those which support their application before the application form is submitted to the Re-migration Unit for processing. For more information on the Re-migrant Scheme, email
Should I ship my items before submitting my application?
No, you are encouraged to obtain an approval before shipping your items.
Can I get a house lot with this letter?
No, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation determines who is a “qualifying re-migrant” in accordance with the Customs Act, to facilitate certain concessions on the importation of your personal and household items and a motor vehicle. It does not speak to house lots.
For information on the Re-migrant Housing Scheme, please visit Central Housing and Planning Authority at: